Thursday, April 21, 2011

Honors Blog

June 14, 1940
Dear Rachel,
How are you fairing in San Diego? Are Marcus and Abigail doing well? Have you heard any news from James? I am doing well, the new house here in Buffalo, New York is very beautiful. Matthew is a wonderful man and I can't wait for him to come back home. I have a very special surprise for him! I am expecting! I didn't find out until a week after he had left. I am currently on leave from the Red Cross. I wish I could help but the other women are such hard workers I don't worry too much. There are 17 other girls also pregnant, and some of the older women are calling it a Baby Boom. I think it's funny that they are calling these coincidental pregnancy's the Baby Boom, but I am excited about it. I am writing to you to ask for support while my husband Matthew isn't here. He probably won't be here for the birth so I want you here. About work, I was hearing that you have been working on your own victory garden when you aren't doing your paper and aluminum drives. My neighbor Stacy is also making one and she wanted to send some squash seeds over for your garden. I hope that you can come over soon I am missing my best friend more and more every day.

Katie Reede

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