Thursday, March 19, 2009

10 Ideas

Industrial ecology, businesses and green activists are beginning to gather the environmental impact of our every decision and giving that information to us in a user-friendly way. That is a basic example of Ecological Intelligence. My ecological intellegence is a bit higher than the average human being but I don't know to well about this kind of stuff.,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html

Monday, March 16, 2009

Under the sea DCIA ( Data Collection, Interpretaion, and Analysis)

This little guy is a Harp seal pup and unfortunately this guy is an endangers species which means pollution, over hunting, global warming, etc. is making this little guy and all of his brothers, sisters, friends, and family are dieing out and they need our help so please get up off your electronics and do something for little guys like him.
Sorry the results are being problematic.
So far in the data the results say that 18 people took the test and when I looked at the results some of them shocked me like one person said that they bury garbage and trash that they find at the beach! Another person when we asked if they knew any endangered species in the ocean said all these animals and even included their scientific name that was so cool. I actually wasn't that surprised when I got the results because I knew that they would be shocking with how people respond but I was still a little shocked because those peoples answers were pretty honest and sometimes the truth can be a little harsh. My expectations were basically met because I expected at least one or two people not to care and just not do much about the concept of the survey which was all about the pollution in the ocean and the harm it was doing. For the add campaign I was thinking that me and my group could do a did you know fact board about some shocking and very real facts that are about our underwater enviorment and places you can go to get more information on the subject there are even going to be facts about things that are being harmed out side of the water but still need the the water for many purposes. The angle is to get people out of that comfort zone and actually touch them in a way that is positive for the enviorment.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homegrown Revolution

Hey this has a very cool site!
Hey I'm just saying that, that is so cool how the Dervaes family did that and we have something is common because we have chikens, and a home grown garden we might even get a little mini goat we just have to convince my dad and then we can get milk too. I think that this video is really amasing and its not that hard to take care of a plant because I can just be some herbs ing some pots in your windowsill but even the smallest plant can make a difference. The Dervaes family is a lot like hat Ishmael because they are basially the gatherers slash hunters and thats cool. I'd say the way this family lives is good for the enviorment and it is a good example of how to live. >-<

Monday, March 2, 2009

Calliope Part 2

an anthropomorphic conception or representation, as of a deity.
Origin: 1745–55; anthropO- + -morphism
Related forms:
an⋅thropomorphist, noun
Basically Ishmael is talking about how animals have these things about protecting their own territory. Erratic retaliation in the case of the Cawks is that they kept basically kept everything in order with war so no one would do anything out of line. The reason that erratic retaliation is a peace keeper is basically without peace there isn't any war and with out war there isn't any peace. the reason that the Cawks don't annihilate each other is because sooner or later they would all have been annihilated.
I totaly shreiked when I saw this picture. ^-^