Friday, January 21, 2011

Internship Blog Week 3 part 2

6. What are you thankful for in your internship experience?

I am most thankful for the experience of what it is like to be a teacher, because I got not only got to experience what it is like to be an art teacher but as a regular teacher too. I am also thankful to both teachers for accepting me as their intern and showing me the ropes of being a teacher. I have seen how both run their classes and they both have unique ways to get things done. I am utterly thankful to have this experience for the future.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Internship Blog Week 3 part 1

3. You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project?

Well now that I am halfway through my internship I feel very excited to finish with a bang. The kids love me and I just love working with them. I have to admit though I am very sore and very tired. I have faced challenges like missing files, paint spills, the nervousness to succeed in my lessons. I have learned to overcome these challenges with hard work, determination, and a never ending supply of coffee. I will ensurfe my successful completion of my internship but finishing everything that is needed to be finished and making my POL the best!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Internship Blog Week 2 part 2

3. How do you see yourself growing or changing over the course of your internship?

I see myself growing throughout the course of this internship, in how I teach things. Before I couldn't even teach a lesson let alone plan and teach one. So this internship has given me more confidence as a teacher and as a person. I also have have grown in learning new ways to teach kids how to read. One way is to have a child read two pages and then tell me what has happened so far. I feel very accomplished with this internship.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Internship Blog Week 2 part 1

2. What is the biggest challenge face at your internship?

I find that the biggest challenge in my internship is keeping up with the kids and keeping them under control. The reason for this being that they have so much energy that I get tired just fro standing on my feet all day. I am facing this challenge by sleeping more and drinking more coffee (yes it's very unhealthy for someone of my age and size.)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The First Week of Internship part 2

6. Describe the company culture at your internship, including how people interact, communicate and work together.

The company culture at my internship is very scheduled and organized. Students are seated accordingly and know what is expected of themselves and their attitudes. When a student has a problem they raise their hand and silently wait until help comes. Students are very positive to each other and work together sharing art supplies and work space.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Week of Internship part 1

1. What are you excited about, nervous about and wondering about?

I am excited to learn some skills for being a teacher. I am nervous about how the students will see me and treat me. I wonder what I will get out of this experience.I wonder the most about how well I will do in teaching the kids Because they may or may not listen to me and that makes me a bit nervous.