In school we are doing a project called the LULS prroject ( Lets Use Less Stuff) where we research one topic about the economy or environment and broadcast the information that was obtained to the people in a way that will really strike them and get thyme interested. We also had to go to a community garden,a farmers market, or a CSA and interview someone there using theses questions:
1. What is your name and your role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
2. Why do you choose to shop here/garden here/support this CSA?
3. When did you first start coming here?
4. Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
5. How did you find out about this place?
6. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
7. Additional questions: __________________________________
8. Additional questions: __________________________________
9. Additional questions: __________________________________
to some one working or buying at one of those three locations. I asked my teacher if I could go to a Habitat Resource Center and she said yes. They basically resale construction and home improvement items and the profit money goes to rebuilding homes for people that really need it. The man I interviewed was named Adam and he was a Shift Leader. The reason he worked here was because it felt good to work for a place that didn't charge so much for things that people really needed. He has been working there since July 2008 and he had come to know about this from Cregs List. He said it would be nice if people would volunteer more often. In his job he really likes to help people out and that it gives him much satisfaction. This place was very enjoyable to go to and learn about and I hope you enjoyed this little experience to.
I've never heard of a habitat resource center before. What's a shift leader? I have no idea......
A shift leader is a person who manages the shifts at work basically.
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