The sound of horses hoofs clopping in the night air keeping a rapid beat. There are five horses, one is being chased. The character is dressed in a large old cloak carrying something under their arm, it's a white vase, as pure as white snow with designs of lovely daffodils that seemed to be dyed over and over again to bring out their rich color. As the horses speed down the dark dirt road the full moon light illuminates the forest making the dead birch trees shine like a knight in shining armor. Gusts of wind start to pick up the shadowed characters cloak, suddenly the hood blew back revealing beautiful chestnut brown hair and lovely creamy white skin. Her cheeks were flushed a cherry red and her sea blue eyes looked desperate as her pursuers got closer their shout even louder! Her pocket jangled with what seemed stones and they felt cold against her thigh. Up ahead she could see a well the moon shining directly over it. Stooping low she scooped up some of the water disturbing the full moon that reflected on the water. Quickly she turned around and faced her pursuers and reached into her pocket grabbing the stones. Openning her hand she revealed that the stones were crystals, as she dropped them into the pitcher the pursuers caught up with her surrounding her and brandishing bows and arrows and prepared to fire. Placing the pitcher in front of her and her horse the girl looked into the pitcher and she could see the full moon reflecting in the water, making the crystals shimmer with beauty as they sank to the bottom. The pursuers released their arrows firing at the girl, suddenly she disappeared along with her horse the pitcher disappearing as well the arrows struck the ground that they once stood on.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Mystical Vase
The sound of horses hoofs clopping in the night air keeping a rapid beat. There are five horses, one is being chased. The character is dressed in a large old cloak carrying something under their arm, it's a white vase, as pure as white snow with designs of lovely daffodils that seemed to be dyed over and over again to bring out their rich color. As the horses speed down the dark dirt road the full moon light illuminates the forest making the dead birch trees shine like a knight in shining armor. Gusts of wind start to pick up the shadowed characters cloak, suddenly the hood blew back revealing beautiful chestnut brown hair and lovely creamy white skin. Her cheeks were flushed a cherry red and her sea blue eyes looked desperate as her pursuers got closer their shout even louder! Her pocket jangled with what seemed stones and they felt cold against her thigh. Up ahead she could see a well the moon shining directly over it. Stooping low she scooped up some of the water disturbing the full moon that reflected on the water. Quickly she turned around and faced her pursuers and reached into her pocket grabbing the stones. Openning her hand she revealed that the stones were crystals, as she dropped them into the pitcher the pursuers caught up with her surrounding her and brandishing bows and arrows and prepared to fire. Placing the pitcher in front of her and her horse the girl looked into the pitcher and she could see the full moon reflecting in the water, making the crystals shimmer with beauty as they sank to the bottom. The pursuers released their arrows firing at the girl, suddenly she disappeared along with her horse the pitcher disappearing as well the arrows struck the ground that they once stood on.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
3 WEX entree
Entree 1:
With warm water lapping around our legs my cousin Preston and I tried to catch fish with a clothes hamper. It was getting dark out and fog was emitting from the dark glistening pond. The sound of crickets, cicadas, the crackling of a fire, and the chatter of people filled the night sky and we can smell ripe sweet corn cooking on the fire, our nostrils inhaled the delicious aroma. Our mouths watered as we climbed up the steep wet grassy hill, we can hear our aunt Robin calling for the kids saying that the corn is ready. Me and my cousin now are running up the hill to get some corn. I can see excitement in the brown eyes of my cousins face his brown hair matting down on his forehead as he quickly ran up the hill. When we got to the group we quickly grabbed and peeled the corns hot wet husks right off and sank our teeth like a hot knife on butter into the rich sweet corn feeling watery bits from the corn dribble down our chins like a three year old eating a watermelon. After four or five corn ears we went back down the hill and laid in the wet grass and fell asleep in the warm summer night air.
Entree 2:
Ten, nine, eight went the clock a deep pit feeling in my stomach of excitement and nervousness thinking that we would finally make a big breakthrough in science seven, six, five, four clasping my hands together I looked side to side at my partners I could see Gabe's excited expression as the count down commenced. Three, two, one "KABOOM!" A deafening sound of and explosion blasted in our ears as we shot off into the sky, watching the world that we once knew disappear. After several hours of waiting in the ship we finally landed. The door opened and we stepped out into the night but we quickly ran back in side the ship because it wasn't night but the sky had been polluted with a dense and thick layer of dust. As we looked around in our oxygen tanks we turned on lights and started searching for people when "AAAGGGHHH!" I cried as I started plunging into the darkness of a deep, deep pit. I awoke to the sound of small strange voices. Looking around I saw small glowing neon fuzz balls with eyes feet and little antennas sticking out of their heads. When they saw that I had awoken they scattered running away. "Huh?" I replied confused " That's weird." Stumbling across the nearly smooth ground I bumped into Gabe and the gang, They had been looking for me, so we started walking back when we bumped into humongous bolder filled with many unnatural holes. Wondering what had happened we saw a small, bony, and withered man appear around the bolder and he told us to follow him. When we asked what had happened he told us that Halley's comet had hit earth nearly destroying all life here. After he finished explaining we decided to head back home and warn everyone of the impending destruction that the comet do.
Entree 3:
Running, no speeding down the dim dusty road the air was filled with the sound of feet stomping the earth and angered voices, voices of men, shouts and screams, the shouts of bandits. Four men dressed in raged garbs and broken armor ran down the dirt road brandishing blood rusted weapons. Not far up ahead a young girl was running carrying her shoes to run faster her arms filled with food and water. Behind her the shouts of the bandits grew angrier "Get here you little wench! We want some food now give it to us!" yelled one of the bandits while waving a katana in the air. "Yeah we just wanted a little food and water we won't hurt you!" another said coyly. Knowing that they were rotten dirty bandits she kept running. A drought had entered the land and it turned even the most kind and civilized man into a blood thirsty bandit and a thief. Suddenly her foot got caught on a clod of dirt, her arms flew up into the air and the food and water went up as well scattering everywhere. She collapsed skidding across the warm hard dirt road scrapping her elbows and knees. As dust flew into the air food fell to the ground making dents into the weak earth. Gathering around her thy laughed horribly the girls body shaking violently with fear as the bandits neared. Suddenly the clopping of a horses hoofs were heard in the distance and a man in a samurai suit road quickly toward the group giving a war cry holding a large weapon in his hand. The bandits ran like dogs with their tails between their legs knowing that the skill of a samurai warrior completely out matched them. When the man reached them only the girl was left the bandits ran far away leaving their weapons behind. When the girl looked at him she saw that he was just wearing some pots and pans and he was laughing hard, so hard that the pots and pans were banging together wildly. Pulling off the cut out bucket from his head he held up a large horse radish and said " I knew this would come in handy".
With warm water lapping around our legs my cousin Preston and I tried to catch fish with a clothes hamper. It was getting dark out and fog was emitting from the dark glistening pond. The sound of crickets, cicadas, the crackling of a fire, and the chatter of people filled the night sky and we can smell ripe sweet corn cooking on the fire, our nostrils inhaled the delicious aroma. Our mouths watered as we climbed up the steep wet grassy hill, we can hear our aunt Robin calling for the kids saying that the corn is ready. Me and my cousin now are running up the hill to get some corn. I can see excitement in the brown eyes of my cousins face his brown hair matting down on his forehead as he quickly ran up the hill. When we got to the group we quickly grabbed and peeled the corns hot wet husks right off and sank our teeth like a hot knife on butter into the rich sweet corn feeling watery bits from the corn dribble down our chins like a three year old eating a watermelon. After four or five corn ears we went back down the hill and laid in the wet grass and fell asleep in the warm summer night air.
Entree 2:
Ten, nine, eight went the clock a deep pit feeling in my stomach of excitement and nervousness thinking that we would finally make a big breakthrough in science seven, six, five, four clasping my hands together I looked side to side at my partners I could see Gabe's excited expression as the count down commenced. Three, two, one "KABOOM!" A deafening sound of and explosion blasted in our ears as we shot off into the sky, watching the world that we once knew disappear. After several hours of waiting in the ship we finally landed. The door opened and we stepped out into the night but we quickly ran back in side the ship because it wasn't night but the sky had been polluted with a dense and thick layer of dust. As we looked around in our oxygen tanks we turned on lights and started searching for people when "AAAGGGHHH!" I cried as I started plunging into the darkness of a deep, deep pit. I awoke to the sound of small strange voices. Looking around I saw small glowing neon fuzz balls with eyes feet and little antennas sticking out of their heads. When they saw that I had awoken they scattered running away. "Huh?" I replied confused " That's weird." Stumbling across the nearly smooth ground I bumped into Gabe and the gang, They had been looking for me, so we started walking back when we bumped into humongous bolder filled with many unnatural holes. Wondering what had happened we saw a small, bony, and withered man appear around the bolder and he told us to follow him. When we asked what had happened he told us that Halley's comet had hit earth nearly destroying all life here. After he finished explaining we decided to head back home and warn everyone of the impending destruction that the comet do.
Entree 3:
Running, no speeding down the dim dusty road the air was filled with the sound of feet stomping the earth and angered voices, voices of men, shouts and screams, the shouts of bandits. Four men dressed in raged garbs and broken armor ran down the dirt road brandishing blood rusted weapons. Not far up ahead a young girl was running carrying her shoes to run faster her arms filled with food and water. Behind her the shouts of the bandits grew angrier "Get here you little wench! We want some food now give it to us!" yelled one of the bandits while waving a katana in the air. "Yeah we just wanted a little food and water we won't hurt you!" another said coyly. Knowing that they were rotten dirty bandits she kept running. A drought had entered the land and it turned even the most kind and civilized man into a blood thirsty bandit and a thief. Suddenly her foot got caught on a clod of dirt, her arms flew up into the air and the food and water went up as well scattering everywhere. She collapsed skidding across the warm hard dirt road scrapping her elbows and knees. As dust flew into the air food fell to the ground making dents into the weak earth. Gathering around her thy laughed horribly the girls body shaking violently with fear as the bandits neared. Suddenly the clopping of a horses hoofs were heard in the distance and a man in a samurai suit road quickly toward the group giving a war cry holding a large weapon in his hand. The bandits ran like dogs with their tails between their legs knowing that the skill of a samurai warrior completely out matched them. When the man reached them only the girl was left the bandits ran far away leaving their weapons behind. When the girl looked at him she saw that he was just wearing some pots and pans and he was laughing hard, so hard that the pots and pans were banging together wildly. Pulling off the cut out bucket from his head he held up a large horse radish and said " I knew this would come in handy".
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cooking Our Herbs
Hey it's me here to tell you all about how to make a delicious appeitizer for those impacient waiters that want to get a hold on some food, or just a little afternoon snack that has a little zest and good flavor. I made some basil butter a pretty simple food not cooking at all just a bit of blending with a food processor and a few simple steps in which you can read here or online:
Ingredients:( the recipe will be a lot smaller here than on the web site)
1 1/3 cloves of garlic
5 leaves of freash basil (I used sweet basil.)
1/8 to 1/4 tps of pepper depending on what your useing
5 1/2 of a stick of butter (NOT MARGARINE)
Place garlic, basil, and pepper in the bowl of a food processor. Process until the garlic is in small bits. Add the butter, and process just to mix together.
Sorry the pictures are probably not in order and that white blur is my dog he was begging me for some.
Monday, May 11, 2009
This I Believe
I looked at many and it seemed liked it took forever and I couldn't find one that really conected with me. When I read Tony Hawks I Beleive Essay I really just struck me as personal because he just wrote about how he was always pursueing his dream even though others would put him down and that was really some thing special for me.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Food Insperation
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Herbal Garden Cooking
Lately in class we have been growing herbs in the windows of our class so we can add them recipes that we will or might be making while video taping the process of the food being made.
* 1 pound sweet Italian sausage
* 3/4 pound lean ground beef
* 1/2 cup minced onion
* 2 cloves garlic, crushed
* 1 (28 ounce) can crushed tomatoes
* 2 (6 ounce) cans tomato paste
* 2 (6.5 ounce) cans canned tomato sauce
* 1/2 cup water
* 2 tablespoons white sugar
* 1 1/2 teaspoons dried basil leaves
* 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
* 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
* 1 tablespoon salt
* 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
* 4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
* 12 lasagna noodles
* 16 ounces ricotta cheese
* 1 egg
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 3/4 pound mozzarella cheese, sliced
* 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
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What to Drink?
Wine Sangiovese
Cocktail Negroni Cocktail II
Click here to find out more!
1. In a Dutch oven, cook sausage, ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until well browned. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, and water. Season with sugar, basil, fennel seeds, Italian seasoning, 1 tablespoon salt, pepper, and 2 tablespoons parsley. Simmer, covered, for about 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally.
2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook lasagna noodles in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain noodles, and rinse with cold water. In a mixing bowl, combine ricotta cheese with egg, remaining parsley, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
3. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
4. To assemble, spread 1 1/2 cups of meat sauce in the bottom of a 9x13 inch baking dish. Arrange 6 noodles lengthwise over meat sauce. Spread with one half of the ricotta cheese mixture. Top with a third of mozzarella cheese slices. Spoon 1 1/2 cups meat sauce over mozzarella, and sprinkle with 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese. Repeat layers, and top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil: to prevent sticking, either spray foil with cooking spray, or make sure the foil does not touch the cheese.
5. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes. Remove foil, and bake an additional 25 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes before serving.
* 8 pounds tomatoes, seeded and diced
* 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
* 1 large onion, minced
* 3 cloves garlic, minced
* 1/2 cup olive oil
* salt and pepper to taste
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1. In large saucepan, cook tomatoes and basil over medium-low heat until tomatoes are soft.
2. Meanwhile, in medium skillet, saute onion and garlic in olive oil until onions are translucent.
3. Add onion mixture to tomato mixture and add salt and pepper. Let simmer on low heat for 2 hours or until thick.
Thyme Rolls On
8 oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese
I Tablespoon freshly chopped thyme
I Tablespoon freshly chopped parsley
1/2 Teaspoon finely minced garlic
Blend all ingredients thoroughly and roll into a 1" diameter log in wax paper. Refrigerate overnight. Slice into 1/4" wheels and serve on crackers.
* Gurgle * "Yummmmmmm!" those look so yummy I want to eat them right know! Well I hope you guys enjoy these recipes too.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
LULS Interveiw
In school we are doing a project called the LULS prroject ( Lets Use Less Stuff) where we research one topic about the economy or environment and broadcast the information that was obtained to the people in a way that will really strike them and get thyme interested. We also had to go to a community garden,a farmers market, or a CSA and interview someone there using theses questions:
1. What is your name and your role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
2. Why do you choose to shop here/garden here/support this CSA?
3. When did you first start coming here?
4. Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
5. How did you find out about this place?
6. What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
7. Additional questions: __________________________________
8. Additional questions: __________________________________
9. Additional questions: __________________________________
to some one working or buying at one of those three locations. I asked my teacher if I could go to a Habitat Resource Center and she said yes. They basically resale construction and home improvement items and the profit money goes to rebuilding homes for people that really need it. The man I interviewed was named Adam and he was a Shift Leader. The reason he worked here was because it felt good to work for a place that didn't charge so much for things that people really needed. He has been working there since July 2008 and he had come to know about this from Cregs List. He said it would be nice if people would volunteer more often. In his job he really likes to help people out and that it gives him much satisfaction. This place was very enjoyable to go to and learn about and I hope you enjoyed this little experience to.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
10 Ideas
Industrial ecology, businesses and green activists are beginning to gather the environmental impact of our every decision and giving that information to us in a user-friendly way. That is a basic example of Ecological Intelligence. My ecological intellegence is a bit higher than the average human being but I don't know to well about this kind of stuff.,28804,1884779_1884782_1884776,00.html
Monday, March 16, 2009
Under the sea DCIA ( Data Collection, Interpretaion, and Analysis)
Sorry the results are being problematic.
So far in the data the results say that 18 people took the test and when I looked at the results some of them shocked me like one person said that they bury garbage and trash that they find at the beach! Another person when we asked if they knew any endangered species in the ocean said all these animals and even included their scientific name that was so cool. I actually wasn't that surprised when I got the results because I knew that they would be shocking with how people respond but I was still a little shocked because those peoples answers were pretty honest and sometimes the truth can be a little harsh. My expectations were basically met because I expected at least one or two people not to care and just not do much about the concept of the survey which was all about the pollution in the ocean and the harm it was doing. For the add campaign I was thinking that me and my group could do a did you know fact board about some shocking and very real facts that are about our underwater enviorment and places you can go to get more information on the subject there are even going to be facts about things that are being harmed out side of the water but still need the the water for many purposes. The angle is to get people out of that comfort zone and actually touch them in a way that is positive for the enviorment.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Homegrown Revolution
Hey this has a very cool site!
Hey I'm just saying that, that is so cool how the Dervaes family did that and we have something is common because we have chikens, and a home grown garden we might even get a little mini goat we just have to convince my dad and then we can get milk too. I think that this video is really amasing and its not that hard to take care of a plant because I can just be some herbs ing some pots in your windowsill but even the smallest plant can make a difference. The Dervaes family is a lot like hat Ishmael because they are basially the gatherers slash hunters and thats cool. I'd say the way this family lives is good for the enviorment and it is a good example of how to live. >-<Monday, March 2, 2009
Calliope Part 2

an anthropomorphic conception or representation, as of a deity.
Origin: 1745–55; anthropO- + -morphism
Related forms:
an⋅thro⋅po⋅mor⋅phist, noun
Basically Ishmael is talking about how animals have these things about protecting their own territory. Erratic retaliation in the case of the Cawks is that they kept basically kept everything in order with war so no one would do anything out of line. The reason that erratic retaliation is a peace keeper is basically without peace there isn't any war and with out war there isn't any peace. the reason that the Cawks don't annihilate each other is because sooner or later they would all have been annihilated.
I totaly shreiked when I saw this picture. ^-^–noun
an anthropomorphic conception or representation, as of a deity.
Origin: 1745–55; anthropO- + -morphism
Related forms:
an⋅thro⋅po⋅mor⋅phist, noun
Basically Ishmael is talking about how animals have these things about protecting their own territory. Erratic retaliation in the case of the Cawks is that they kept basically kept everything in order with war so no one would do anything out of line. The reason that erratic retaliation is a peace keeper is basically without peace there isn't any war and with out war there isn't any peace. the reason that the Cawks don't annihilate each other is because sooner or later they would all have been annihilated.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Ishmael
Ishmael's rules on how to identify people from different cultures is that they keep their food under lock and key, and they think their race is doomed to suffering and misery. When Ishmael talks about if people from different parts of the world are part of the same culture, I both agree and disagree. All people have their own type of religion and not every religion says that you are doomed and flawed.
I disagree with Ishmael about how Mother Cultures voice saying humans are inherently flawed. I disagree with him because if you want to discover things there are certain boundaries but once you pass it you can never go back.
How the Takers and Leavers relate to the American culture is that Takers like us take away things from the world like the world's natural resources. Meanwhile the Leavers like us leave things like pollution and trash in the world.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Semester Goals
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