WW2 propaganda

2.This is an early war poster posted to inspire americans to keep the battle over seas instead of having it be brought to where our families were. I was one of the many that inspired out soldiers to fight.
3. I was creeped out to see this because it portrays how dangerous the war was and that they could invade and harm our children at any time.
WW2 war photography

2. This photo was taken in September of 1944, though the exact date is unknown. Parachuter's shadows are coming from the sky's as waves of paratroops land in Holland during operations by the 1st Allied Airborne Army.
3. This picture gave me chills as I saw how many people were coming down it was sort of like a dark cloud accending into the skies, sending a plauged of uneasyness and fear everywhere.
The Axis powers

2. This picture is by Herbert A. Friedman, It is a picture of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito, who represent the Axis powers.
3. This picture tells us that these people are only good for killing hense the head under Germany's foot. Their scowls and the glares we recived gives us the sense that we might just be next on the lists of these killers.
This is a little something extra. It's from a japanese show with human versions of countries, who were involved in WW1 and WW2. The show it Axis Powers Hetalia. The photo is of Japan (left), Italy(middle), and Germany(right).