Thursday, October 28, 2010
More opposing viewpoints!
This debate really gets at my topic of chromosomal disorders, because more and more people are being born with chromosomal disorders and many require medication but aren't able to pay for it. Some can pay but the health care takes so much money but we get less of what we should be getting. Obama wants to pass a bill so that insurance companies can't kick you out when you require a huge sum of money for some injury or disease. I believe that health care and medicare should be as avalable to everyone as it can possibly be without the governmnet taking away extra money for their own pleasures. "Does anybody really belive that adding 50 million people to the public health-care rolls will not cost the government more money?" This is more of a statement saying the government will not be affected if we add a couple more people to the plan yet you ask your self what are the statistics and estimates if we do add 50 million people? What are the positive and negative effects of this plan? and why is the government doing this, what is their motive behind this? I find health care to be a pain but in many ways usefull to.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Opposing viewpoints & your topic for Life: The Book
In the course of this blog post, please quote at least once from each article.
This debate impacts my topic because I am writing about chromosomal disorders and health care can affect how much or how well of medication one can get if they have a type of chromosomal dissorder. There are many dissorders like down syndrom and heart dissorders. I choose to focuse on the dissorder of hearts because I feel that Down syndrome is a little too personal for many people. I belive that health care should be available to all because we have a right to life and chromosomal dissorder requires a lot of medical attention.
This debate impacts my topic because I am writing about chromosomal disorders and health care can affect how much or how well of medication one can get if they have a type of chromosomal dissorder. There are many dissorders like down syndrom and heart dissorders. I choose to focuse on the dissorder of hearts because I feel that Down syndrome is a little too personal for many people. I belive that health care should be available to all because we have a right to life and chromosomal dissorder requires a lot of medical attention.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Life: The Book & American History
1. Describe a basic history of American government's role in health care. Be sure to include major ideas such as Medicare, Social Security, the Civil Rights Act, and 21st century health care laws passed under George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
In a basic sense of the history of the American Government's role in health care throughout the course of history there has always been something unfair or exageration in the laws for health care. Some of the medicare laws passed under Bush and Obama were the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
passed by Bush in December 8, 2003. Obama recently passed a bill on spending cuts recently made.
These article's were very useful in researching about the bills passed.,_Improvement,_and_Modernization_Act
For our book called "Life: The Book" I am writing about Chromosomal Defects in babys and prenatal care.
For whichever one you choose, feel free to answer in a manner that specifically addresses your topic for Life: The Book or a more general manner (remember that the general manner could still be very useful for your article, as it could provide background info). Be sure to embed links to relevant information and sources of further information.
1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
In The New Yorker they write about a compelling character named Francis Collins, a stem cell researcher who has a strong belief in Christianity.
2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
An iteresting plot can be anything, it just has to catch the reader, keep them in and when they finish the story end with a bang! To get into more detail when writing tell the audience something that will interested like in The New Yorker's story The Covenant they wrote.
"When the geneticist Francis Collins was named director of the National Institute of Health, last summer, he became the public face of American science and the keeper of the world's deepest biomedical-research-funding purse." After yuou give the audience background info. and facts about the character and subject. You finally end it in a way that it ends but you still get the audience to think more indepth later on.
3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
They mostly do drafts and make sure to have a bit of everything when writing.
4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
They will base their writing on a huge portion of readers who share a common idea or belief and imply that into the writing.
In a basic sense of the history of the American Government's role in health care throughout the course of history there has always been something unfair or exageration in the laws for health care. Some of the medicare laws passed under Bush and Obama were the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
passed by Bush in December 8, 2003. Obama recently passed a bill on spending cuts recently made.
These article's were very useful in researching about the bills passed.,_Improvement,_and_Modernization_Act
For our book called "Life: The Book" I am writing about Chromosomal Defects in babys and prenatal care.
For whichever one you choose, feel free to answer in a manner that specifically addresses your topic for Life: The Book or a more general manner (remember that the general manner could still be very useful for your article, as it could provide background info). Be sure to embed links to relevant information and sources of further information.
1. Using a specific example, describe what makes a compelling character in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
In The New Yorker they write about a compelling character named Francis Collins, a stem cell researcher who has a strong belief in Christianity.
2. Using a specific example, describe what makes an interesting plot in narrative nonfiction or literary journalism.
An iteresting plot can be anything, it just has to catch the reader, keep them in and when they finish the story end with a bang! To get into more detail when writing tell the audience something that will interested like in The New Yorker's story The Covenant they wrote.
"When the geneticist Francis Collins was named director of the National Institute of Health, last summer, he became the public face of American science and the keeper of the world's deepest biomedical-research-funding purse." After yuou give the audience background info. and facts about the character and subject. You finally end it in a way that it ends but you still get the audience to think more indepth later on.
3. What specific steps do authors take to write non-jargon-based scientific writing?
They mostly do drafts and make sure to have a bit of everything when writing.
4. What specific steps do authors take to encourage their readers to connect with their stories?
They will base their writing on a huge portion of readers who share a common idea or belief and imply that into the writing.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Life: The Book & Humanities
For Life: The Book I decided that my topic would be on biologically engineered medication that is riskily taken by women in the stages of prenatal care. I choose the stage of prenatal care as my part of the books stage of life. I picked this because I found it interesting in the sense that is and isn't medication that you can take during pregnancy. NIH helps fund companies that make the medication that I will be researching.
One relavent literary example that relates to my idea is this website bellow.
The reason for this is because it shows some of the individual procceses that the drug takes effect against the defincency spoken about in both articles.
Chromosomal defects is the other biology based topic that I want to talk about.
This website talks about the birthdefects and how defects in the mother or father chromosomes plays a big part in it. I picked this because I always see strange verietyies or birth defecs and it's all involved in the chromosomes. On relavant literary example that I found was this website bellow.
The reason for this is because it shows in a more descriptive sense what Chromosomal or birth defects are.
One relavent literary example that relates to my idea is this website bellow.
The reason for this is because it shows some of the individual procceses that the drug takes effect against the defincency spoken about in both articles.
Chromosomal defects is the other biology based topic that I want to talk about.
This website talks about the birthdefects and how defects in the mother or father chromosomes plays a big part in it. I picked this because I always see strange verietyies or birth defecs and it's all involved in the chromosomes. On relavant literary example that I found was this website bellow.
The reason for this is because it shows in a more descriptive sense what Chromosomal or birth defects are.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Life—The Book!
One idea that I have for Life-The Book is to talk about racial genetics because it has always interested me, in the scenes that I don't even know half of the races that I am. There is a lot of genetic science involved such as phenotype and genotypes.

Another idea is to write about abortions and the multiple opinions and options one can have. A genetic science involved in this would be in-vetro fertilization and how it can be usefull in other ways.

My final idea for the book is to write about blood types and all the facts about them even a small section on how to find your blood type with house hold matterials if we're able to. some science in this would be to explain the different blood types and what they mean and how blood transfusion works.
Another idea is to write about abortions and the multiple opinions and options one can have. A genetic science involved in this would be in-vetro fertilization and how it can be usefull in other ways.
My final idea for the book is to write about blood types and all the facts about them even a small section on how to find your blood type with house hold matterials if we're able to. some science in this would be to explain the different blood types and what they mean and how blood transfusion works.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Beginning the Internship Brainstorm
Idea # 1 I would like to work in a fun yet experiencing enviorment. I would like to work in a small enviroment with either kids or artist.

This is a place I would like to work in.
Idea #2
I want to use my art skills and teaching skills for my work. I see my self doing either crafts with kids or illustrations for some kind of graphic design.
Idea #3 I want to learn about better ways to teach or about different art styles. I would like to see what it is like to be an artist or a teacher the buisness behind the fun. I want to know what it would be like to be an artist and see what their daily routine is.
This is a place I would like to work in.
Idea #2
I want to use my art skills and teaching skills for my work. I see my self doing either crafts with kids or illustrations for some kind of graphic design.
Idea #3 I want to learn about better ways to teach or about different art styles. I would like to see what it is like to be an artist or a teacher the buisness behind the fun. I want to know what it would be like to be an artist and see what their daily routine is.
I find this article about a Retired NORAD Officer's New Book that Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display very interesting because the book talks about UFO's and how they work. Many idea's of how UFO's work, what they look like, and veiw's on the future.
For this article we find many interesting facts about a Norad Story writer and his facination in UFO's.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Dying For Dixie
The main cause for Michael Westerman's death was the Rebel flag, a symbol that has long lost it's purpose. Even in the reading it explains that even Freddie who was the one o kill Michael did not know the meaning of the flag, only that he was suppose to hate it. It may have been that he killed Michael purely because of the pure pressure he was under by the others whom he hung out with. Other people like Michael's Aunt who talked about Michael's past probably grew up in a life where they only knew to hate African Americans. One other person who may have been involved in Michael's death was himself. The reason for this is because he himself did not know the full meaning of what the Rebel flag means and due to this he basically called for his fate himself.
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