Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Be Thankful ^-^

There are a million things that I am thankful for but one thing that I think lots of people are thankful for is there family. One thing in particular is the family reunions we have they are a lot of fun ecspecialy with playing the family games or swiming in the big inhabited pond at my great uncles hunting cabin in Buffulo, New York.

There are a lot of things to do at the family reunions but one fun thing is lunch because everyone has to bring one thing for everyone for lunch so there are lots of different types of food and it is really good so at the end of the day I am really stuffed and the food is delicious. But there are lots of fun things to do with my cousins and we always give the vegtables to the dogs.

I have a lot of cousins on both my parents sides and I also have a lot of second cousins because both my parents were the youngest out of the sibilings so I have a lot of second cousins that are about my age. I geuss thats all I have to say and Happy Thanks Giving.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hey America this is a litte project that is for school. A lot of people went nuts when Obama won and I seriously think that the whole thing was a bit of a popularity contest because obama was for change and so was McCain but he wasn't as show bosty as was Obama was (no offence to Obama fans or Obama) but there seemed to be wanting in change in America for lots of people so it was natural for them to pick him. But when McCains runner for vice president was picked there seemed to be a lot of disput about things like when Sarah Palins daughter got pregnat everyone seemed to make to big of a deal about it even people whos relitives had gotten themselves or someone pregnat.

Another one that seemed to afecct more of kids was her being a hunter and shooting wolves even though it was totaly legal and if your the type that worries wolves are not endangered or threatened in Alaska so it is perffictly okay. After the election happened and Obama was elected President there were some people that were outraged by some of the props that did pass but one prop that I have been asking about is taking the troops out of iraq. Some people want them out, some want them to stay but I really don't know whats happening over there so I shouldn't just asume that everything is alright and nothing bad is happening because the media can lie to us its just like a rumor that will change when passed around so a question that I want to ask either Obama or the Governor is that they should get the oppinions of the troops in iraq because they are the ones living the story every day and they know what is going on so their votes are important to them. Thanks for reading this.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

books 5,6,7,8

pg.216/217 ch. 18
The city itself offered no resistance, save that of a small band of fanatics who occupied the high city, the Acropolis, whose precincts in ancient times had been bounded by a wooden palisade. These desperate defenders had fortified themselves in this site, placing, it seems, their faith in the oracle of Apollo which some weeks previous had declared, " the wooden wall alone shall not fail you."

pg. 262 ch. 23
A burnished wood plaque hung beneath each lamp, a snatch of verse carved upon it. I recall one: As at birth the soul steps intotyhese baths, releasing flesh into soul, reunited, divine. I remembered something my master had once said about battle fields.

pg. 279 ch. 24
One felt as if he were facing men from the underworld, from some impossible country beyond Oceanus where up was down and night day. Did they know something that the Greeks didn't? Were their light skirmisher shields, which seemed almost ludicrously flimsy consisted to the massive twenty pound oak and bronze, shoulder-to-knee aspides of the Hellenes, somehow, in some undeniable way, superior?

pg. 305 ch. 24
" Put the the steel to 'em boys!" one among the Spartans cried as the wave of allied ranks advanced ten deep from the rear and both flanks and closed into a massed phalanx before the warriors of Sparta, who at last dew up, limbs quaking with fatigue, and collapsed against one another and upon the earth.

pg. 363 ch. 30
This was the babe whose life the lady Arete had saved. That height before the krypteia; the child whose being had made Dienekies under Lakedaemonian law the father of a living son and thus eligible for inclusion among the Three Hundred. In the passage is was talking about how Arete had saved a baby. I asked this a lot of the time, why was that baby saved by lady Arete? Of course that was answered later in the book. This made me feel cofused along with who was the baby but it was all later on answered in the book.

pg. 379 ch. 31
They stink to the heaven, they make one sick within the heart. The noble invisible things feel different. They are like music, in which the higher notes are finer. It was interesting how they made death seem like it was okay and that it wasn't scary. The text made me question life a little and if we should fear it so much. This quote made made me feel so strange and it sort of sothed me.

pg. 419 ch. 36
That oracle of Apollo delivered earlier to the Athenians, which declared," The wooden wall alone shall not fail you," Had revealed its fateful truth, the timbered stronghold manifesting its self not as that ancient palisade of the Athenian Acropolis so speedily overrun by his majesty's forces, but as a wall of ship's hulls and the sailors and marines of Hellas who manned them so superbly, dealing the death blow to his majesty's ambitions of conquest. What amazed me most about this passage was how the wooden wall would not fail us. A question that I asked is what did the wooden walls mean but as I read on it makes more sense as they are refering to the ship's hulls.This was very interesting and I learned a little from the text.

pg. 439 ch. 38 Final pages
" Can you recall the epitaph upon the stone?" I inquired. "Or were the verses too long for memory to retain?" "Not at all ," the captain replied. "The lines were composed Spartan-style. Short. Nothing wasted." So spare were they, he testified, that even one of as poor a memory as himself encountered no difficulty in their recollection. O xein angellein lakedaimoniois hotie tede keimetha tois keinon rhemasi peithomenoi. These verses have I rendered thus, as best I can: Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie. What was interesting about this passage was the quote in greek and that it was a really meaningful quote. I really think that it was confusing at first to understand the qutoe but rereading it I understood it better.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

GOF books 3 and 4

pg. 141 ch. 12
Demaratos replied that of all the Hellenes the Spartans were acknowlaged the most pious and help the gods most in awe. He declared it his own observation that in this regared among the Lakedaemonians, the lesser rankers and thosein service, particularly the outlanders ofthe captive Xeones' station, were almost without exception, in the Demaratos' phrase, "more Spartan than the spartans."

pg. 143 ch. 12
My loyalty to the Spartans was rebuked with scorn and ridicule by Dekton. I had been placed in this boy's power shortly after fate had brought me to lakedaemon, two years earlier, when both he and I were twelve. his family worked the estate of Olympieus, Alexandros' father, who was related to Dienekes via his wife, Arete. Deton himself was a halfbreed helot, illegitimately sired, so rumor had it, by a peer whose gravestone, ldotychides in war at mantinea lay along the Amyklaian Way, opposite the line of syssitia, the coomon messes.

pg. 166 ch. 13
The wife of Menelaus, she whom Paris had carried off to troy, the cause of endless suffering among Trojans and Greeks, and for whose perrless beauty's sake so many brave Achaeans lost their lives in troy far from their native country. spartan women surpass for beauty all others in Hellas, and not the least of their charms is that they make so little play oponit. Aphrodite is not their goddess, but artemis hunteress. look at the loveliness of our hair, their bearing seems to say, which reflects the lamplight not by the artifice of the cosmetician art, but by the the sheen of health and the luster of virtue.

pg. 186 ch. 15
then you, your Magisty, acceded to the throne. the army of the foe did notdisband. her fleet did not disperese. Insteadthe empire's mobilization redoubled. The zeal of a prince freashly crowned burned within his Majesty's breast. Xerxes son of Darius would not be judged by history inferior to his father, nor to his illustrious forebears Cambyses and Cyrus the great. Thses, who had vanquished and enslaved all Asia, would be joined in the pantheonof glory by Xerxes, their scion, who would now add Greece and Europe to the roll of provinces of the rmpire.

pg. 189 ch. 15
Dread omens and Prodigies abounded. The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi had counseled the Athenians, "Fly to the ends of the earth," while thye Spartan Concil of Elders, notoriously slow to action, yet dithered and dawdled. A stand must be made somewhere. But where? In the end it was their women who galvanized the spartans into action. It came about like this. Refugees, many brides with babes, were flooding into the last free cities. young mothers took flight to Lakedaemon, islanders and relations fleeting the Persian advace across the Aegean.

pg. 230 ch. 20
Three hundered. The mearger tally seemed to rattle about the plain like peas in a jar. Just three dosen pack animals stood in the fore along roadway. There were only eight wagons; the sacrifical herd was marshaled by two scacred-looking goat boys. Supply trains had laredy been disbatched and dumps set up along the six day route. in addition, it was anticipated, the allied cities would provied provisions along the ways, as the Spartan forerunners picked up the various contingents which would complete the force and bring it to its full complement of four thousand.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

GOF Book 2

Sorry there isn't any image

Here is something that I found on pg. 85 ch. 8

This is my shield. I bear it before me into battle, but it is not mine alone. It protects my brother on my left. It protects my city. I will never let my brother out of its shadow nor my city out of its shelter. I will die with my shield before me facing the enemy.

pg. 88/89 ch.9
Fear spawns in the body, phobologic science teaches, and must be combated there. For once the flesh is seized, a phobokyklos, or loop of fear,may commence,feeding upon itself,mounting into a "runway" of terror. Put the body into a state of aphobia, fearlessness, the Spartans believe, and the mind will flow.

pg.93 ch.9
A spasm of the lungs seized Alexandros;his throat constricted, he began to choke.My punch hesitated. A three foot switch burned my back. "Hit him." I obeyed; Alexandros droped to one knee. His lungs had frozen, he was helpless. "Pound him you whore's son!" a voice shouted from behind me. "Finish him!"
It was Dienekies.
His switch lashed me so hard it drove me to my knees.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Secret Life of Bees Extra Credit

After I watched the movie I realized how different the movie and book were. One thing that was different was in the book Lily's hair was black but in the movie it was blonde. Lily's mom's hair was also black in the book but in the movie it was blonde like Lily's in the movie.
In the movie there was no dog and T. Ray had a dog in the book that Lily hated. The name of the dog was snout and it seemed to really hate Lily and Lily really hates the dog back. The dog never gets in trouble but Lily seems to always get in trouble.
They never showed the scene were Lily called T. Ray at the lawyers office and that was a really important part of the book/movie plus it made more scense if they had done it that way in stead of just T. Ray finding the hole in the map where Lily had marked Turban on her map.
A thing I liked about the book was the scenes were fun to imagine in my head. One scene for example was when Lily first met the Boatwrights and was first describing the looks of the house. Another scene was the honey house because I could just see that delicious honey and that made me really hungry.
I really liked how the whale pin looked because it just looked so pretty and made me want to wear it. How I imagined it was the water coming from the spout was diamond and the whale was sapphire and the whale's eye was amethyst and it was really pretty how I had imagined it.
I also liked how they described the purple honey it just sounded so good and made me really hungry. Just reading about the purple honey made me want Halloween to come even sooner so I could have something sweet to eat.
A thing I liked about the movie was Zach. I have to admit that he was kind of cute and them him having a crush on Lily just made me jealous. I also think that other girls though that he was cute too.
Another thing that I liked about the movie was the house because I really like that kind of pink. It looked really cool and it was great because it made May really happy.
One other thing that I liked about the movie was May herself. I just loved May and she was just one of my favorite characters. It just made me really sad when May died and I cried a lot during that scene.
I really enjoyed reading the book and watching the movie but I recommend reading the book before watching the movie.